Pubblicato in Italia con il titolo Gli occhi verdi del gatto. Lord Peter Wimsey deve solvere un nuovo caso di omicidio, che questa volta lo tocca personalmente perché il sospettato è il proprio fratello.

After solving the case in Whose Body?, Lord Peter Wemsey is taking a few months off relaxing, but he is called back to investigate a new case when his own brother is accused of murdering their sister’s fiancé. His brother claims his innocence but refuses to say where he was at the time of the murder, while his sister is also hiding something. Helped by his friend from Scotland Yard, Inspector Charles Parker, Lord Peter tries to figure out the truth, unraveling family secrets and travelling to France and the United States.

I enjoyed this novel more than the first one. I found the case very intriguing and full of surprises, and I enjoyed meeting the rest of Lord Peter’s family (in the first book, we only meet his mother) and seeing him collaborating once again with Inspector Parker.